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WordPress SEO Guide for Beginners


18 Jul, 2019

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WordPress SEO Guide

How to get started with WordPress SEO? What are the basic things you should know before starting?

WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) around. It powers over 30% of the web today. And it has become the de facto standard CMS for building websites.

WordPress is a powerful tool for creating beautiful websites. In addition, it offers great features such as drag & drop page builders, custom post types, and much more.

But did you know that WordPress also comes with built-in SEO tools? This means that you don’t have to hire expensive SEO experts or spend hours learning complicated SEO techniques. All you need to do is install some plugins and follow these simple steps.

In this guide we will show you how to start optimizing your WordPress website using free methods. We will cover:

Why you should optimize your WordPress site?

How to set up Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress?

What are the best WordPress SEO Plugins?

And many other tips!

Let’s dive in!

1. Why Optimize Your Website?

Before getting into the details of how to optimize your WordPress site, let us first discuss why you want to optimize your website at all.

Optimizing your website can help you improve its performance on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in organic search results.

There are two main reasons why you would want to optimize your website:

To increase the number of visitors who land on your pages via search engines

To rank higher on search engines when someone searches for your products/services

If you want your website to perform better on search engines, then you should focus on optimizing your content.

However, it is not enough just to write good quality content. You must also make sure that you provide valuable information to readers. This includes providing them with useful links, images, videos, audio files, social sharing buttons etc.

2. Set Up Yoast SEO Plugin For WordPress

You may be wondering if there is an official way to optimize your WordPress website. The answer is YES! There are several ways to do so. However, they require significant investment in time and money.

The easiest method is to use the Yoast SEO plugin. Yoast SEO is a free plugin which allows you to easily optimize your posts, pages, categories, tags, taxonomies, comments, galleries, media, menus, robots.txt file, sitemap.xml file, and even 404 pages.

You can find out more about how to setup Yoast SEO here.

3. Which WordPress SEO Plugins Are Best?

Now that we have discussed how to optimize your WordPress website, let us now look at what the best WordPress SEO plugins are.

Here are our top picks:

Yoast SEO – A powerful WordPress SEO plugin by Automattic. It is the most popular plugin for WordPress SEO.

All in One Schema – An advanced schema optimizer plugin.

WP Rocket – A fast and lightweight caching plugin.

4. How To Use WordPress SEO Plugins? (Step By Step Tutorial)

So far, we have covered everything you need to know about setting up Yoast SEO plugin. Now it’s time to get started!

First, download the latest version of Yoast SEO from their website. Once downloaded, unzip the file and upload the folder to your wp-content directory.

Click on “Save Changes” button to save changes.

After you have enabled Yoast SEO, you will see a new tab named “SEO” under Settings. Go ahead and click on “Settings” next to it.

Under settings, select “On”.

Next, go back to your homepage. Click on any post or page and scroll down until you reach the section titled “Advanced Settings”.

Scroll down to the bottom of this section and click on “Update permalinks”.

Go back to your home page and refresh the page. You should notice that the URL has changed.

5. How To Improve Page Load Time On Blogger Sites?

If you run a blog on Blogger, you might be interested in reducing the load time of your blog. Here are some steps you can take to achieve this goal.

6. How To Optimize Your Website For Mobile Devices?

Your mobile site is very important because it helps your customers browse through your site without having to wait too long for the site to load. If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, chances are that people won’t bother visiting it.

7. How To Create A Good Titles And Descriptions In WordPress?

Titles and descriptions play an essential role in helping Google categorize your content into relevant topics. They also help users understand what the article is all about.

8. How To Build Backlinks For Free?

There are many methods that you can use to build backlinks for free. Some require paid services while others don’t. Let us discuss them below.

9. How To Make Money From Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular forms of online income today. Many bloggers make thousands of dollars each month just by promoting products on their blogs.

10. How To Get More Traffic Without Spending Any Money?

There are two types of traffic: organic and PPC. Organic traffic comes from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. While PPC refers to paid traffic. This type of traffic usually costs money but it does not come from Google.

11. How To Find High Quality Content Ideas For My Blog?

Finding high quality content ideas for your blog can be tough especially if you have no prior experience with blogging. But there are ways to find good content ideas for your blog. Read more…

12. How To Grow My Email List With Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads are a great way to grow your email list. There are several reasons why Facebook ads work so well when it comes to growing your email list.

13. How To Start A Successful Online Business?

Starting an online business is easy these days. All you need is a computer, internet connection and a product or service that you want to sell.

14. How To Convert Visitors Into Customers?

Converting visitors into customers is one of the goals of every blogger. However, it’s often easier said then done. Fortunately, there are tips that can help you convert more visitors into customers.

15. How To Increase The Visibility Of My Blog?

Many bloggers struggle to increase the visibility of their blogs. It’s important to know how to do this before starting your blog.


I hope that you found this post helpful. I will keep updating this list as new posts come out. Please share this video with other bloggers who might benefit from this information.


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