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What Is Customer Value?


21 Apr, 2020

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Customer Value

Customer value is a concept that has become widely accepted in recent years. The idea behind it is that customers should be treated as valuable assets rather than simply as consumers who purchase goods or services.

Customer value is defined as the sum of all benefits that a company receives from its customers. This means that companies should focus on providing their customers with the best possible service at the lowest cost.

Companies should treat their customers as valuable assets, and they should strive to provide them with the best possible service. They should also ensure that their customers receive the best possible price for their purchases.

The customer value equation is:

Cost Benefit – Cost

A/B Testing – What It Is And How To Use It

In this article we will explain what A/B testing is, how it can help you improve your website’s conversion rate, and why you need to do it. We will also show you how to use Google Analytics to measure the results of your tests.

A/B testing is one of the most powerful tools available to webmasters today. It allows you to test different versions of your site without having to make any changes to the code. You can even create multiple variations of your page and compare which version performs better.

This type of testing is extremely useful when you want to find out whether certain elements on your site are working or not. For example, if you notice that people are leaving your site because of an annoying pop-up ad, then you could try removing that ad and see if your visitors return. If so, then you know that the ad was the problem.

You can also use A/B testing to determine which design works best for your particular audience. For example, you might have two designs for your home page. One looks like a traditional homepage while the other resembles a magazine layout.

You might find that the magazine style generates more sales than the traditional home page. In this case, you would know that your visitors prefer the magazine look over the traditional one.

If you want to learn more about A/B testing, check out our guide to A/B testing.

How Does A/B Testing Work?

To perform an A/B test, you first need to set up two identical websites. Each website will contain a slightly modified version of the same page.

For example, let’s say that you want to run an A/B test to see which version of your homepage converts better. You could create two sites, each containing a slightly modified version of your homepage.

One site will feature a banner advertisement on the top right hand corner of the page. The second site will feature no advertisements.

When visitors come to either site, they will see the exact same content. However, one of the pages will include the banner advertisement while the other won’t.

When visitors click through to the second site, they will be redirected to the original site. After they finish reading your content, they will be asked to answer a few questions. Once they complete those questions, they will be directed back to the original site where they will be presented with a thank you message.

After they leave the original site, you will record the number of conversions (visitors who finished answering the survey) and non-conversions (visitors who did not finish answering the survey).

The key difference between these two pages is the placement of the banner advertisement.

Once you have created both sites, you can start running A/B tests. This means that you will randomly assign visitors to view one of the two sites.

After you have assigned all of your visitors, you will wait until enough time has passed to allow you to collect data from both sites.

At this point, you will analyze the data collected by comparing the number of conversions in each group.

In some cases, you may decide to keep only the conversion rate from the site with the higher percentage of conversions.

Or, you may choose to discard the results from the site with fewer conversions.

Regardless of what happens, you now know which version of your site converted better.

Why Use A/B Testing?

A/B testing gives you the power to quickly identify problems within your site.

It can help you improve your site by eliminating issues such as:

• Poorly designed ads or banners

• Unclear navigation

• Poorly written copy

• Bad links

• Slow loading times

• Broken functionality

By using A/B testing, you can easily identify any of these problems and fix them before they impact your business negatively.

Here are just a few examples of how A/B testing can benefit your business:

• Improve Your Conversion Rate

Many businesses struggle to convert leads into paying customers. By performing A/B testing, it becomes easier to pinpoint exactly why people aren’t converting.

This allows you to make changes to your site that will increase your conversion rates.

• Increase Revenue

If you’re struggling to generate revenue, then chances are you’ve been focusing too much on attracting new users instead of growing existing ones.

With A/B testing, your focus shifts towards increasing the amount of money that your current user base generates for you.

• Reduce Bounce Rates

You might think that having a high bounce rate is good because it shows that your site is popular.

However, if you have a high bounce rate, then it could mean that your site isn’t providing value to your audience.

By performing A/B testing you can find out whether your site provides value to its visitors. If it doesn’t, then you can make changes to ensure that it does.

How To Perform An Effective A/B Test

Before you begin an A/B test, there are several things you should consider.

1. Make Sure You Have Enough Traffic

If you don’t have enough traffic, then you won’t get enough data to perform an effective A/B test.

2. Choose The Right Variables

In order to determine which variables affect your conversion rate, you need to first understand what affects your conversion rate.

3. Set Up Your Experiment

Once you have chosen the right variables, you can set up your experiment.

4. Analyze Results

When you have completed your experiment, you can compare the results to see which variable had the most effect on your conversion rate.

5. Repeat As Needed

It’s important to repeat your tests until you reach a conclusion. This ensures that you’re not making assumptions based on limited data.

6. Keep Improving

After you’ve performed multiple tests, you can use the information to continually improve your site.

7. Share Results With Others

Sharing your results with others helps you get feedback about your site.

8. Implement Changes

Based on the results of your tests, you can implement changes to your site.

9. Evaluate New Data

As time goes on, you can evaluate new data in order to continue improving your site.

10. Use Analytics Tools

Analytics tools allow you to track all of the data generated from your A/B tests.

11. Create More Experiments

As you gain more experience, you’ll be able to create even better experiments.

12. Get Feedback From Customers

Customer feedback is invaluable when it comes to creating successful sites.




A/B testing is one of the best ways to continuously improve your website and boost your conversions.

The key to success is to choose the right variables and analyze the results.

Remember that you shouldn’t just rely on one type of analysis; you should always look at multiple sources of data.


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