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How to Calculate Churn Rate [Formula]


30 Apr, 2021

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calculate churn rate formula

How often should I check my churn rate?

The churn rate is the percentage of customers who leave your mobile network within a specified period of time. This metric helps you identify whether your customer retention strategy is working or not.

Churn rate is calculated by dividing the number of new subscribers by the total number of subscribers at the beginning of the month. For example, if you had 100 subscribers at the start of the month, then you would divide 100 by 30 (the number of days in a month) to get 3.33. If you had 50 new subscribers during the month, then you’d divide 50 by 30 to get 1.67.

Churn rate can be used as a performance indicator for both business and marketing purposes. It shows how effective your current strategies are in retaining existing customers and attracting new ones.

Churn rate calculation formula:

((New Subscribers/Total Subscribers)*100)/30

You can calculate this metric on a monthly basis or even daily basis. You can also use it to compare different periods of time.

For more information about churn rate, please visit our article here.


I think that there is no one-size-fits all answer to this question. The best way to find out what works for you is to try various things until you find something that makes sense.

I have found that the most important thing is to make sure that you have a good understanding of why people are leaving. There are many reasons people may choose to leave your service, so you need to know which ones apply to your situation. Once you understand these reasons, you can design a plan to address them.

If you’re looking to increase your churn rate, you might consider offering lower prices, better deals, or free services. You could also offer incentives like discounts or credits for early upgrades. People will always want to save money, but they’ll also appreciate being treated well when they do business with you.

If you’re trying to reduce your churn rate, you could focus on improving your customer experience. Offer faster response times, better support, higher quality products, etc.

Once you’ve figured out what’s causing your churn rate to rise or fall, you can take steps to improve it.


There is no single formula for calculating churn rate. However, some factors that contribute to churn include:

Customer satisfaction – Is the product meeting their needs? Are they happy with the service?

Price – Do they feel that the price is fair?

Value – Does the value proposition match up with their expectations?

Support – Can they get help when they need it?

Promotions – Do they receive any special offers?

Service – How responsive is the company? Is the phone reliable?

Quality – How high quality is the device?

Device – What kind of device are they using?

Features – Does the device meet their needs?

Ease of Use – Is the app easy to navigate?

Overall Experience – How satisfied are they overall?

The above list isn’t exhaustive, but hopefully it gives you an idea of what factors influence churn rates.


Well, I’m going to go against the grain here and say that there is no “one size fits all” solution.

What worked for me was to look at my own data and see where I was losing people. Then I tried to figure out why those people were leaving. After doing that, I came up with a set of solutions that helped me keep those people from leaving.

In my case, I was losing people because of poor UX. So I focused on making the onboarding process easier. I made it so that users didn’t have to sign up multiple accounts just to access certain features. This allowed me to retain more of my users.


I don’t think there is a single solution to this problem. But I do believe that focusing on user retention is the key to keeping your churn low.

What worked for me was to focus on building trust with my customers. I did this by providing great content, responding quickly to their questions, and giving them the tools they needed to succeed.


I agree with @jeffrey_wong. He said that there is no magic bullet. In his words, “you need to make sure that you’re not overpromising and underdelivering.”

So how do you do that? Well, first you need to figure out what your goals are. If you want to grow your business, then you need to be able to identify who your ideal customers are. If you want more customers, then you need to provide the right kinds of content that attracts new customers. And if you want to keep existing customers, then you need a way to engage them in ways that keeps them coming back.

So after you’ve identified your goals, you need to start thinking about how you can achieve them. For example, maybe you want to attract new customers. That means you need to create content that appeals to potential customers. Maybe you want to keep current customers. That means you should provide them with something valuable in return for their loyalty. Or maybe you want to grow both your customer base and revenue. That means you need a strategy that helps you reach new customers while retaining your existing ones.

Now that you know what you want to accomplish, you can start looking for ways to get there. You might find that some tactics work better than others depending on your situation. For example, maybe one tactic works well for attracting new customers, another works well for growing your customer base, and yet another works well for retaining your existing customers.

But whatever approach you take, remember that you’ll never get it perfect. The only thing you can control is your effort. So even though you may not always hit your numbers, you can still improve your results by working harder.


There’s no silver bullet to solving this problem. It’s all about finding the best combination of tactics that will help you achieve your goal.


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