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What is a Marketing Plan & How to Write Your [Examples]


7 Nov, 2020

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Marketing Plan

What is a marketing plan? How does it differ from other types of plans?

The term’marketing’ has become synonymous with advertising. This is because marketing involves promoting goods or services through various channels.

A marketing plan is a strategic document that outlines the goals and objectives of a company. It also provides details about the strategies and tactics that will be employed to achieve these goals.

A marketing plan should include:

• The product/service being offered

• The target market for this product/service

• Goals, which are measurable targets that you want to achieve

• Objectives, which are specific actions that need to be taken in order to reach your goals

• Strategies, which are the methods used to accomplish your objectives

• Tactics, which are the ways in which you’ll use to implement your strategies

• Resources, which are the tools (people, money, time) required to carry out your plan

How do I write my own marketing plan?

1. Start by identifying your business’s primary goal(s). For example, if your business sells shoes, then your main objective may be to sell more shoes than any other competitor.

2. Next, identify your target market. Who are the people who buy your products or services? Are they male or female? Young or old? Rich or poor? Married or single?

3. Now think about what you can offer them. What makes you different from all the others? Why would someone choose to purchase your product instead of another similar one?

4. Finally, think about how you’re going to get there. Will you advertise on television? Direct mail? Radio? On the Internet? Or maybe you’ll send direct-mail coupons via snail mail?

5. Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ll have an idea of what your marketing plan should look like. You might even decide to create a template for yourself so that you don’t forget anything important when writing your plan.

6. Now that you know what a marketing plan looks like, let’s talk about how to write yours.

7. First, make sure that you understand your product or service well enough to describe it in detail. If you don’t, then you won’t be able to explain why your customers should buy your product over anyone else’s.

8. Second, start by listing your goals. These are the things that you want to accomplish as a result of your marketing efforts.

9. Third, list your objectives. These are the steps that you need to take in order to reach your stated goals.

10. Fourth, think about your strategies. These are the ways in which your objectives will be accomplished.

11. Fifth, think about your tactics. These are the ways that you’ll go about implementing your strategies.

12. Sixth, think about your resources. These are the tools that you’ll use to help you complete your tasks.

13. Seventh, now that you’ve thought about everything, you’re ready to write your plan!

14. When writing your plan, keep it short and simple. Don’t try to cover every possible scenario. Instead, focus on the most likely ones.

15. Make sure that you address each point thoroughly. Be sure to answer the following questions before moving on:

16. 1. Where will you find your customers? 2. How will you attract them? 3. How will you keep them coming back? 4. How will you measure your success? 5. What will you do if you fail? 6. What will happen if you succeed? 7. Who will you share your results with? 8. What will you do after you’ve shared your results? 9. How much time will you devote to this project? 10. How long will it take to complete? 11. Is there anything else that we haven’t covered?

17. After you’ve written your plan, review it at least once a month. This way, you’ll always stay focused on your goals.

How often should I write my marketing plan? Should I write it every month or every quarter?

Writing a marketing plan is a crucial step in running a successful business. If you don’t have a clear idea of where you want to take your company, how will you know whether you’re heading in the right direction?

The answer depends on your goals, resources, and time frame. For example, if you’re starting a new business, you might only need to write it once. On the other hand, if you’ve already been operating for some time, you may want to revisit your plan periodically to ensure that it remains relevant.

The frequency of your planning also depends on how quickly you expect to achieve your goals. If you’re just getting started, it probably makes sense to write down your plans more frequently than if you’re close to reaching your goals.

If you’re not sure how often you should write your plan, here are a few guidelines that can help you get started:

1. Start small. It doesn’t matter how many times you revise your plan; you should still start with one page. As you gain experience, you can expand your plan to include additional pages.

2. Focus on your goals. You shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about your strategy because you’ll never be able to implement it properly without first knowing what you’re trying to accomplish.

3. Think about your resources. If you don‘t have enough money to hire an expert to help you develop your plan, you might consider asking family members or friends for their assistance.

4. Keep it simple. Remember that your plan isn’t meant to be overly detailed. A well-written plan should contain no more than three main sections:

a) Goals b) Strategies c) Resources

5. Review your plan regularly. Once you’ve completed it, make sure that you review it at least once per quarter. This way, you’ll always be aware of any changes that need to be made.

6. When revising your plan, focus on the future. Don’t worry about the past — simply think about the steps that you need to take to reach your current goal.

7. Share your plan with others. This will help you stay motivated as you work toward achieving your goals.

8. Ask yourself these two important questions when writing your plan:

a) Do I understand why I want to achieve this goal? b) Will this plan work?

9. Finally, remember that your marketing plan is just a tool. The most important thing is that you actually follow through on your plan.


A good marketing plan is essential to the success of any business. Whether you’re launching a new product line, expanding into a new market, or rebranding your existing products, having a clearly defined plan will allow you to keep moving forward.


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