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The Ultimate Guide to Brand Awareness


11 Oct, 2021

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brand awareness

What brands do you love? Which ones do you hate? The answer lies in the way they communicate with their consumers.

Brand awareness is a marketing strategy, businesses use to increase brand recognition or simply promote themselves in the public eye. It involves using various methods to attract attention such as social media marketing, advertising, PR, events, etc.

A good brand awareness campaign promotes the company’s values, its mission, and vision. While some companies manage their brand well through effective branding campaigns, others fail miserably. Discover the top 3 ways to build a strong brand presence.

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness refers to how well consumers know your company’s name and what it stands for. According to an article from The Wall Street Journal, “Brand awareness has been steadily on the rise since 2005, when we first asked marketers about it.” A recent study from Roper found that 76 percent of consumers feel they understand brands better today than they did just two years ago. This is due largely to a shift toward consumer-driven marketing and greater engagement between businesses and customers.

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness is a term used to describe how much consumers know about a brand’s product. The goal of brand awareness is to increase consumer interest in a brand.

Brand awareness is the ability for consumers to recognize a product or service by name. This awareness helps customers choose which brands fit into their lifestyles best. A company’s brand image is essential to its success. If the customer doesn’t know what the company stands for, then they cannot trust the brand.

Why is Brand Awareness important?

Brand awareness is important for any business because consumers make decisions based on what they know about a company. If potential customers hear about a product or service from someone else, then they may decide not to use it. Therefore, you should focus on building brand awareness through a variety of channels such as television ads, radio advertisements, print advertisements, billboards, websites, etc.

Some of the important region of brand awareness importance:

Brand awareness fosters trust

If you want people to believe in your brand, they have to be able to recognize it. How can you get them to know about your brand? Use social media channels like Facebook to spread information about your business.

Brand awareness create association

If you want to make sure people think of your brand when they hear or see something related to your business, you can try advertising, sponsoring events, creating social media campaigns, and other marketing tactics. These are all ways of associating your brand with a particular topic.

Brand awareness builds brand equity

Brand equity is the measure of how much trust consumers have in a particular brand name or product. It is measured by asking them questions about their attitudes towards a company’s products and services.

How to build brand awareness?

Brand awareness is the process of building a strong consumer identity for a particular product. The goal is to create a positive association between a company’s name and the product/service provided. This means establishing a clear identity for the brand, then communicating that identity through various channels such as logos, slogans, visuals, packaging, etc.

There are many different methods to build brand awareness. Some of these include:

1. Be a person, not a company

If you want to be successful in business, you should focus on building relationships with people first, rather than focusing on your products or services. People are the reason why companies exist. Without them, there would be no customers at all. Therefore, if you want to succeed in business, you must learn how to connect with people. This can be done by listening to their needs and helping them solve their problems. By doing this, they will become loyal customers and help you increase your sales.

2. Socialize

How can we be socialized our brands and our selves to build strong brand awareness? It’s all about the engagement and the interactions with the audience. We are building the relationships between us and them by engaging with each other.

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you must never underestimate the power of social media marketing. It can be one of the best ways to expand your company’s reach and make more sales. But how exactly does social media work? By using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, Vine, Tumblr, Periscope, and Messenger, you are able to connect with current and potential customers. This type of marketing allows you to share your message, product, service, and brand easily and effectively.

3. Tel a narrative

Stories are a form of communication through which we pass down information and ideas. People love stories because they give us a sense of connection and belonging. Stories also allow us to understand the world around us and ourselves. We all need stories to help us make sense of our lives.

A story about an object or service is always a story about its creators. When we create something, we give it meaning. We imbue it with our own emotions and feelings. We craft stories about ourselves with our creations. By telling those stories in the context of a product or service, we market it alongside our offering.

People love listening to stories about others. When we tell our own stories, we reveal ourselves to the audience. We connect with them emotionally and mentally. People pay attention when they hear a story. Stories engage audiences and help them understand and get behind what you’re selling. People also enjoy hearing about other people’s experiences. It gives us insight into how they think and feel. Our social media accounts allow us to share these stories with the world. Social media platforms give us an easy way to reach out to our customers, clients, fans, followers, etc.

4. Make sharing easy

Make sure you create great content that will help your audience engage with your brand. This includes sharing your content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. Your audience may also share your content via email or other online channels. Make sure to add share buttons to all relevant content.

Social media marketing is a type of online advertising that helps businesses attract potential customers by promoting brands through social networks. Social networking sites provide interactive communication platforms that enable consumers to connect to businesses, share opinions about products, and seek the opinions of others. These websites function by connecting millions of users, allowing them to create profiles, share pictures, rate services, and discuss topics. The Internet is becoming an increasingly important source of information for consumers and therefore social Media Marketing presents opportunities for marketers to connect with customers and provide valuable customer information.

A great way to share something online is through social media. A few clicks and your customers can share your product or service with their friends and followers. If you provide all the necessary tools, your customers will always feel like they are adding value when posting about your company.

Brand awareness is about impact. It’s about how we interact with our customers and brand partners on a daily basis. This means we need to understand what our customer wants and needs at every touch point. Our brands are not just logos, they’re how we communicate to our audience.

It‘s about creating relationships with your audience through meaningful content, not just asking them for money, participation, and loyalty.

If you were to meet someone who wants to be your friend, you should not just give them what they ask for, but also show them why they should care about you. You should tell them something important about yourself, and then connect with them on a deeper level. That’s when true friendships happen.

Brand awareness strategy

A brand awareness strategy is aimed at creating awareness among audiences about the product or service offered by an organization. It can be done through various means such as advertising, social media marketing, PR, and even word-of-mouth (mouth marketing).

1. Guest blog on other niche website

Guest blogging is an effective strategy to promote your company online. By adding quality blog posts (content) to other websites you increase your brand presence and boost search engine rankings. You can also share links back to your site to further enhance your SEO efforts.

Another great alternative is to publish sponsored posts on niche sites. You can also write articles for other blogs in related niches and put them on your site. If you truly have an audience with your current blog, the traffic will be there.

2. Try co-marketing

Co-Marketing can be a great way to increase your brand visibility and exposure. However, there are risks if done incorrectly. For example, co-marketers may not communicate well with each other or with their own brands. If done correctly, however, it can be a great way for companies to connect and create value together.

If your company sells dog leaches and toys, you could partner with a dog walker app. The campaign itself might appear in many different ways: you could create a shared offer (“download the app and get five free leashes”), send out an Instagram Live broadcast together, or host a Facebook event and share the link. Whatever you choose, partnering with another brand could help increase your reach.

3. Advertise everywhere

Advertising doesn’t just inform consumers about products, it informs them about brands. If you want your customers to remember your brand, then advertising is a great tool to help accomplish that goal. Through advertising, businesses can target specific audiences to reach its desired audience.

How did Grammarly go from obscurity to ubiquity? Well, it started out as a simple grammar checker program back in 2011. But then the company grew from there. Today, Grammarly offers an array of products and services. From basic grammar checking tools to advanced writing guides, Grammarly helps writers and readers alike get the best possible results.

If you’re interested in getting started with online advertising, you’ll need to start with either Facebook ads or Google AdWords. These platforms offer easy access to the major ad networks and will allow you to test out different types of advertisements. You can also use them to launch more sophisticated campaigns at a large scale.

4. Hire a face or create a mascot of the company

If you have the budget, consider bringing in an actor or spokesperson to help your brand stand out among competitors. Do you think of Progressive Insurance when you think of insurance? Maybe it’s time to bring Flo, the Progressive girl, back to life. She’s been dubbed “progressive girl” because she’s fun, friendly, and relatable. Her smile will get your audience to remember you and encourage them to call you for insurance.

This will help you stand out from the crowd, and if done correctly, will allow you to create a positive impression.

You don’ t need to use a person, neither. For example, GEICO is a great company because its logo is a cartoon lizard. Animating a character would be a cost efficient but equally effective way to create a mascot for your brand.

5. Choose an image or symbol the represent you

Nike isn’t even called Nike anymore. It‘s a check mark. When you see that check, you know it‘s Nike. Or how ’bout McDonald’s yellow M? Or Apple’ bite apple?

A logo isn’t just about what you put on a piece of paper or t-shirt. A logo should be something that can be embedded in all aspects of your brand, from marketing materials to product packaging to your website to your social media posts to your emails. If there’s any chance that someone will see your brand before they buy your products, you need to make sure that everyone knows what it stands for.

6. Create a short catchy slogan

To create a memorable brand, start with the basics. You need a well-defined product, a clear message, and a compelling backstory. Then, define your audience, figure out what emotional connection will drive them to act, and choose a few visual elements that will help you deliver the message. Finally, write down your tagline and use it everywhere—on your website, in emails, and even at events.

Think about how many times you’ve read an article like this before. It may seem like there’s nothing special about this article, but if you think about the amount of time we spend reading articles online every single day, it’s pretty significant.

How to increase Brand Awareness?

The best way to increase awareness about your product is to create innovative products that solve real problems for consumers. If you want your company to be successful, then you need to focus on solving the problem your customers face. The most important thing to do is to listen to what people are saying about your business. This can be done by using customer reviews and surveys, which give insight into what people really think about your business.

There are several ways to increase brand awareness:

1. Offer freemium

Freemium is a strategy where users can try out your service without paying anything upfront. They can test your app or browse through your content for free. Freemium allows you to build up a user base while gaining valuable feedback about your product. While you still charge money for premium features, you can keep adding value in order to win new customers over.

2. Create free content

If you already have a blog, post articles regularly. Make sure that these articles are relevant to your industry and contain useful information. People love to share interesting stories, so make sure that your content is engaging.

3. Sponsor events

Sponsoring events gives you the opportunity to reach new audiences. Sponsorship doesn’t mean spending money; instead, it means giving away prizes and promoting your brand. 

4. Give your brand a personality

People remember brands that stand out. That’s why it’s vital to develop a unique identity for your brand. Use colors and fonts that represent your brand and its values. Also, make sure that your brand has a distinct voice.

5. Produce a podcast

Podcasting is one of the easiest ways to get your name out there. Podcasts allow you to talk directly to your target market and provide them with useful information. To succeed as a podcaster, you must produce high quality content. In addition, you need to promote yourself and your show on different platforms.

Podcasting was once a complicated process, only made by those with a studio, expensive microphones, and lots of time. It’s now easier than ever to create and release a podcast, which can help you improve your brand awareness efforts.

6. Promote social media accounts

Social media is becoming increasingly popular among businesses. Therefore, you should consider creating an account on all major social networks. Your goal here is to gain followers who will spread your messages across their network. Once you have a large following, you can use paid advertising to promote your posts. 

7. Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing is another great way to improve your brand awareness efforts. You can pay influencers to promote your brand. However, not only does it cost money, it can also take a long time to achieve results. There are some things you can do to improve the likelihood of success, such as choosing influencers based on their influence, personal connections and audience size.

How to measure Brand Awareness?

To measure brand awareness, take an inventory of how much exposure your company gets from various sources, such as search engines, print publications, radio, TV, and other traditional forms of marketing. Find data that shows the number of impressions or visits your site receives each month. Look at the performance of your ads over time and analyze whether they drove more sales than others.

This might sound simple, but it’s actually quite difficult to track because companies often don’t know how effective a particular campaign was until a certain period passes. For example, if you ran a Facebook ad campaign last week, you won’t know if this had any effect until next week when you see if anyone clicked on the link. You may also notice that some people view your company’s website multiple times every day, whereas another person only views once a year. By analyzing your data, you can determine how many people visit your business site in comparison to other websites.

This report summarizes the findings from the Google Trends data set from 2006-2012. It shows changes in search interest for a specific keyword (in this case “brand awareness”) around the world. The figure below shows the global trends for brand awareness between 2007 and 2012.

In summary, we found a strong correlation between search engine traffic and increased brand awareness. A rise in search traffic can thus be used as a good indicator of a company’s growth.

Quantitative Brand Awareness Measures

You should try to understand what drives your customer’s behavior before deciding which metrics are most important to track. There are two main quantitative measures that can help you quantify brand awareness:

Direct traffic

Direct traffic represents the total number of visitors to your website. These visitors come from several search engines, including Bing and Yahoo!. If you’re interested in this metric, then you want to monitor the amount of traffic on your website in comparison to competitors. This way, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your own products or services.

Site traffic numbers

The second set of metrics is based on the number of unique visitors on your website. When monitoring these numbers, keep in mind that not all customers convert into paying clients. You should therefore focus on increasing the overall number of visitors rather than just focusing on conversions.

Indirect Traffic Sources

Another indirect source of traffic is through referrals. When someone refers someone else to your website, you receive a small portion of the referral fee. Some referrers include social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and even YouTube. Others include blogs, forums, and online communities. In general, the higher the value of the referral fee, the greater the likelihood of referring customers.

Social engagement

Social media traffic is determined by the number of fans/followers or friends/connections that you have on different sites. Although this measurement doesn’t tell you anything about your customers’ level of satisfaction, it does give you insight into the strength of your online presence. Tracking this metric allows you to determine whether or not you need to make further improvements to your social media strategy.

Qualitative Brand Awareness Measures

Once you’ve captured enough data, you will eventually reach a point where qualitative measurements become more useful. Qualitative measures provide you with information beyond numeric values. They allow you to learn about why customers behave in certain ways and the factors that influence their decision making process.

These indicators include things like:

Customer feedback

While there is no concrete method of determining brand awareness, you can still use customer testimonials as a guide. Once you obtain positive reviews, you will gain a better understanding of the reasons behind the success of your product or service. The more reliable the sample size, the stronger the association between customer satisfaction and brand awareness.

Product reviews

If your business offers physical goods, you may also ask your customers to write reviews for your products. To maximize the effectiveness of this measure, you should offer incentives for customers who leave a review. For example, if you sell shoes, you can offer a 10% discount to those who leave a review.

Sales conversion rate

This is an extremely popular brand awareness metric because it provides a direct indication of how many people see your ads but fail to complete any actions (such as buying your product). It can be used to examine how effective your advertising campaigns are at converting visitors into purchasers.

In addition to numerical values, brand awareness tools also provide graphical representations of data so that you can get a visual overview of how well your marketing efforts are performing. By taking advantage of this feature, you can spot trends such as seasonal variations and fluctuations caused by targeted promotional activities.

Brand recognition

When used correctly, brand recognition gives you a clear idea of whether or not people know who you are. This metric helps you identify what kind of marketing strategies work best, including traditional versus digital advertisements. If necessary, you can then refine your campaign accordingly.

Searching Google and Setting up google Alerts

For most startups, search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the first parts of an online marketing plan. However, SEO has changed significantly over time – particularly since the beginning of 2013. A search for “best SEO software 2014” yields almost 50 million results, while the same search in 2012 yielded only 4 million. While this means that SEO has gone mainstream, much of the content on this page is outdated.

As a result, we will focus our attention on search engines in general and Google specifically. We recommend setting up Google alerts whenever possible.

Google Alerts can be set up using keywords related to your company name and/or industry. You must have a Gmail account to create and manage Google Alerts.

Social listening

Another area that has made significant strides recently is social media monitoring, which allows companies to keep track of all mentions of their brands across multiple platforms simultaneously. Monitoring these mentions allows businesses to find out what terms are being associated with them, including both negative and positive.

The most successful companies will look to gather this information directly from their target audience or target market. For instance, they might ask their current Facebook fans to share their experiences with the brand through a survey. These surveys could then be analyzed to determine what words consumers associate with the brand.

Running brand awareness surveys

Branding is no longer just about creating a logo and slapping some text onto a sign outside your store. Today, branding is more than that: it’s about becoming visible on the internet and helping other companies understand exactly who you are and what makes you special.

To do that, it’s important to start asking questions about how people perceive your brand, rather than relying solely on the perceptions of your employees. In fact, research shows that 90 percent of consumers trust reviews written by strangers vs. only 55 percent trusting friends and family.

One way to collect feedback from potential customers is via surveys. These are incredibly powerful tools because they allow you to test different ideas quickly and cheaply, without spending any money upfront. Surveys are also useful when you want to ask specific questions that wouldn’t be feasible to ask face-to-face.

Here are three popular types of surveys:

Listening to your customers

This type of survey requires you to listen carefully to your customers and analyze what you hear. The key is to pay close attention to every word that comes out of their mouths. Then, use those comments as evidence when planning future campaigns.

This method is especially effective if you’re working with a customer base that has a strong sales force, meaning that you’ll get data straight from the mouth of someone who knows the product inside and out.

Surveying your customers

This method involves surveying your own customers or prospects, which allows you to learn about their needs. You can either ask your existing customers to answer questions for you, or contact clients via email and ask them to complete an online questionnaire.

Although this approach doesn’t provide you with real time results like a listening campaign does, it gives you valuable insights into your market – something that you simply would not be able to obtain otherwise.

Collecting qualitative data

These surveys work best in conjunction with a listening campaign. However, they give you another option for gathering information. For example, you may conduct a small study where you invite 100 participants to take a short online survey.

Afterward, you should analyze the data collected to see what you can learn about your customers. For example, you could find out whether your customers prefer using a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone to access your site. This kind of insight could help you make changes to ensure that all visitors have a positive experience on your website.

Brand Awareness Examples

Branding isn’t always easy, but there are plenty of resources available to help you along the way. Some of the most successful brands were developed over decades of trial and error. Here are four examples of brands that have become household names:


The world’s largest beer producer has had an amazing run since releasing its first batch in 1876. Budweiser is a German lager brewed under contract by Anheuser-Busch (AB), a company founded in 1865. AB purchased Adolphus Busch & Sons, one of America’s oldest breweries, in 1949, and was soon producing more beer than anyone else.

In 1964, Anheuser-Busches was acquired by Belgian brewer Interbrew S.A., which changed its name to Inbev Inc. After acquiring Corona Beer Co. in 1970, Inbev launched Bud Light Lime, a light version of its traditional beer which became wildly successful. In 1978, Inbev bought rival Seagram Beverages Company, and eventually renamed itself Anheuser-Busche. It also introduced “America’s Lager” in 1984, sparking controversy among American brewers. The brand has enjoyed steady growth ever since.

In 2002, Anheuser-Bush merged with Grupo Modelo, Mexico’s biggest brewer, giving it nearly 50% ownership of the worldwide beer industry. Today, Budweiser accounts for roughly 8% of all beer sold globally.


Founded in 1886, Coca-Cola is considered the original soft drink. Though it didn’t invent carbonated beverages, it did popularize the idea through advertising campaigns that promoted its refreshing taste as well as its health benefits. Since then, Coke has used celebrities, promotions, and other marketing tactics to promote and sell its products.

In 1899, Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola to quench thirsty patients at his drugstore. By 1907, he had successfully trademarked the name. In 1920, he built a bottling plant in New York City and began selling his product nationally. In 1953, the company was purchased by the Coca-Cola Co., but continued to produce new flavors while retaining the iconic bottle design.

Today, Coca-Cola makes more than 500 different kinds of drinks around the globe. Its flagship product remains Coca-Cola Classic, though the company now sells bottled water and juice as well.


When PepsiCo was formed in 1965, it only produced snacks like Lay’s potato chips and Cheetos cheese snack crackers. When it released Diet Pepsi in 1983, however, it became the first major soda manufacturer to offer consumers a low calorie alternative. From there, the company diversified into numerous categories—including beverages, dairy products, and baked goods—and added several new flavor varieties. Today, PepsiCo manufactures more than 250 products in 22 countries.

As of February 2012, PepsiCo reported net sales of $68 billion, making it the third-largest food and beverage corporation in the world. In 2011, PepsiCo earned $3.1 billion in net income.


Though McDonald’s has been serving up hamburgers since 1948, this fast-food chain became famous after founding president Ray Kroc opened its first restaurant on April 15, 1955. That very same year, he developed plans to franchise the concept throughout the U.S. By 1962, McDonald’s had grown to 2,500 restaurants, and today there are over 38,000 locations across the globe.

With franchises in every state except Hawaii, McDonald’s offers burgers made from fresh beef, chicken, turkey, and vegetable patties; salads; sides like french fries, onion rings, and fruit pies; shakes, milkshakes, and sundaes; and desserts. To make sure customers enjoy their meals, McDonald’s uses quality ingredients and high-tech cooking methods.

To date, McDonald’s has generated billions of dollars in revenue throughout the world. As of 2011, McDonald’s was valued at $140 billion.

Tropicana Products

The Tropicana Corporation was founded in 1929 when citrus growers pooled their resources to create a cooperative to market orange juice. Over time, the company expanded into additional fruits and vegetables including oranges, grapefruit, tomato sauce, and pineapple juice. Today, Tropicana ships its juices around the globe via refrigerated trucks. It also produces frozen yogurt, ice cream, and candy under the Ben & Jerry’s brand.

The company changed its name to “Tropicana Products, Inc.” in 2000, following an acquisition by Nestlé S.A. In 2008, Tropicana acquired the California-based Driscoll’s Gourmet Foods for $2.7 billion.

In 2010, Tropicana shipped over 1 billion bottles of juice and $28 billion worth of other products. For the past five years, Tropicana ranked among Fortune magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work For. It employs 33,800 people worldwide.

Dairy Queen

Founded in Waterloo, Iowa, Dairy Queen debuted with a single location. Though the business grew slowly at first, a promotional contest launched in 1935 gave birth to the Dairy Queen Blizzard. Since then, Dairy Queen has become one of America’s most popular fast foods.

Today, the company operates nearly 5,600 stores nationwide, primarily in the United States. Its menu includes such treats as soft serve cones, slushes, milkshakes, floats, sundaes, fountain drinks, coffee, bakery items, and ice cream cakes. The company has won many awards over the years for its innovative marketing campaigns and ice cream flavors.

For example, the company’s “Chocolate Fudge Brownie Sundae” is made using a secret recipe that dates back to 1934. Another classic flavor is vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. Other options include strawberry, banana split, mint chip, and caramel apple.

In addition to its signature treat, Dairy Queen offers a wide variety of beverages. Among them: Blizzards, malts, coffees, smoothies, shakes, lemonades, sodas, teas, and waters. Each beverage comes in its own distinctive container—some containers hold about 10 ounces—so you can mix and match your favorite flavors.

Over the years, Dairy Queen has received numerous awards for innovation. For instance, it earned top honors as Fast Food Franchise of the Decade in the International Franchise Association’s 2009 franchise awards.

Apple Events

Founded in 1976, Apple Events specializes in planning large conferences and events. The company provides professional services to schools, businesses, clubs, and individuals who want to throw birthday parties or corporate meetings.

According to the website Macworld, “Apple Events helps clients organize everything from small gatherings to 50,000-person conventions with ease and efficiency.” Based in San Mateo, California, Apple Events counts more than 3,500 clients across 30 countries.

Among the services offered are keynote addresses, workshops, breakout sessions, luncheons, dinners, seminars, cocktail receptions, banquets, concerts, and entertainment. Clients can choose between indoor and outdoor venues and can customize activities to fit their needs. Services range from a few hours to several days.

Like most companies today, Apple Events uses technology to streamline operations. According to the website, workers use iPads and iPhones to communicate with each other while on site. They also take advantage of online calendars, document sharing tools, mobile apps, and video conferencing systems.

Apple Events holds two annual events: Apple Expo West and Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). These trade shows attract thousands of attendees to San Jose and Cupertino, California, respectively.

Rare Beauty’s Mental Health 101

Mental health awareness has gained popularity among celebrities in recent years. To promote mental wellness, Rare Beauty teamed up with actress Emma Thompson to produce the web series Mental Health 101. In this mini-series, Thompson interviews famous women about issues ranging from anxiety to eating disorders.

Each episode focuses on a different topic, such as depression or self-love. There are eight episodes so far. Some topics covered include how to get help when suffering from mental illness; coping strategies; ways to deal with negative thoughts; tips on dealing with social media channels; and mindfulness techniques.

The mission behind Mental Health 101 is to make sure people know where to seek help if needed. According to the website: “When you watch our videos, we hope to empower you to ask questions, learn what you need to do, find support and start making changes in your life.”

Beauty Bakerie Matte lip whip

The company was founded by makeup artist Amanda J. Miller, whose philosophy is to create products that allow cosmetics artists to achieve bolder color without using heavy pigments. As a result, her products are considered “matte” because they don’t leave an obvious sheen. The matte lip wicks contain no waxes or oils to retain moisture.

Matte lip wicks are available in three formulas: Clear Lip Whip ($14), Rose Petal Lip Whip ($16), and Berry Lip Whip ($18). All are designed to be used only once before reapplication. Matte lip wicks come in a pump bottle and are meant to be applied directly onto lips. Available colors include white, pink, red, orange, purple, and blue.

To create a glossy look for darker skin tones, Miller recommends applying a clear gloss over top of matte lip wicks. This is similar to how a beauty blender works.

In addition to matte lip wicks, Beauty Bakerie offers a variety of other matte lip products including glosses, liquid lipsticks, lip stains, and lipstick pencils.

The company also produces concealers, face powders, foundation sticks, eye shadows, eyeshadow palettes, blush, bronzer, blushes, highlighters, foundations, contour kits, and powder brushes. All products are made in small batches and are free of parabens and phthalates. 

Over to You [Final Thoughts]

If you want to be successful in any industry or business, you must have brand awareness. It could be the brand name of your product, service or company. This can be achieved by having good customer satisfaction and keeping them happy with your products and services. It may also mean being aware of how customers are feeling about the company. It may help to know what people think about your company so they can make informed decisions. Knowing what it takes to build a strong brand will go a long way towards building your reputation. If you have any other ideas, please share them with us.


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