What kind of surveys should I send my customers? How can I get them to respond? What questions should I ask?
Customer satisfaction surveys are a great way to gather feedback from your clients. They can also help you improve your service or product.
A customer satisfaction survey helps you identify problems and resolve issues before they become big problems. This allows you to provide better services to your clients.
If you’re looking for ways to increase the response rate on your customer satisfaction surveys, then you need to understand how people react when they receive these types of surveys.
The following are some tips that will help you create an effective customer satisfaction survey:
• Make sure that your survey is short. If it takes too long to fill out, people may not bother filling it out at all.
• Include only one question per page. Too many questions make it difficult for respondents to complete the survey in a reasonable amount of time.
• Use plain language. Avoid using complicated words so that everyone can understand what you mean by each answer.
• Ensure that your survey has a clear objective. People who are going to take part in your survey must know why they are taking part.
• Don’t use leading questions. Leading questions are those that start with “how was…” or “what do you think about….” These kinds of questions imply that there are right answers.
• Be careful with open-ended questions. Open-ended questions can be tricky because you don’t know exactly what people were thinking when they answered them.
• Provide a link to a website where people can leave their comments. Doing this will encourage more people to participate in your survey.
• Keep your survey simple. You want participants to finish it quickly, so avoid making it complex.
• Give participants a deadline for completing the survey. This will give them a sense of urgency and motivate them to complete the survey as soon as possible.
• Ask for permission first. Before asking for any personal information, let your participants know what you plan to do with the data.
• Tell participants that their responses won’t be shared publicly. Some people might feel uncomfortable if they realize that their responses could be used against them.
• Offer incentives to get people to complete your survey. For example, you could offer cash prizes or gift cards.
• Send reminders to participants. Reminders can increase participation rates.
• Have someone else read over your survey. Having another person check over your survey can ensure that you have covered all the important points.
• Check your results. The best way to find out whether your survey worked is to compare the number of completed surveys with the number of total surveys sent.
When you send your customer satisfaction survey, remember to include the following elements:
1. A brief description of the purpose of the survey.
2. An explanation of how the results will be used.
3. A reminder to respond before the deadline expires.
4. A statement indicating that the participant’s responses will remain confidential.
5. Contact information (email address) for follow up.
6. A thank you note.
7. A copy of the rules and regulations.
8. A privacy policy.
9. A disclaimer stating that no compensation will be given to anyone who completes the survey.
10. A consent form.
The Importance of Customer Satisfaction Surveys
A well-designed customer satisfaction survey can help you improve your business. It can also provide valuable feedback from customers about aspects of your company that affect their experience.
Here are some reasons why customer satisfaction surveys may be useful:
• They show you which areas of your business need improvement. If you notice that customers are having problems with something on your website, then you should fix it immediately.
• They allow you to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. By measuring the response rate to different types of advertisements, you can determine which ones work better than others.
• They help you identify new products or services that would appeal to your customers.
• They help you understand how satisfied your current customers are. Knowing this information can help you develop strategies to retain these customers.
How to Conduct a Successful Customer Satisfaction Survey
Before you begin conducting a customer satisfaction survey, make sure that you have identified the problem(s) that need fixing. Here are some tips to keep in mind while designing and implementing your survey:
1. Make sure that you have enough time to conduct your survey. Most companies take at least two weeks to design a good survey. That means that you will need to plan ahead so that you don’t run into any unexpected problems.
2. Write down what you want to learn from your survey. Think about the questions you want to ask and write them down. You can use your notes as inspiration when writing your survey.
3. Make sure that your survey covers all the topics that matter to your customers. Don’t forget to cover things such as service quality, product quality, prices, payment methods, delivery times, and more.
4. Try not to overwhelm your respondents. Keep your survey short and simple. This will encourage people to complete it.
5. Include a clear call to action. Tell your participants where they can go after completing your survey.
6. Be sure to include a link to an online questionnaire builder. This will give you additional options if you choose to do so.
7. Test your survey! Before sending it out, try it out on a few friends or family members. Ask them to tell you what they think about it. Also, test it by asking yourself the same question.
8. Use a variety of media to advertise your survey. Post flyers in local businesses, send emails to your mailing list, post a banner ad on your website, and even hand out paper copies.
9. Send your survey via email, snail mail, or text message. Email is probably the best way to reach your target audience because it allows you to segment your recipients based on demographics and interests.
10. Encourage your employees to participate in your survey. Let them know that they will receive extra credit for participating.
11. Follow up with your survey results. After collecting data from your survey, analyze it carefully. Look for trends and patterns.
12. Take note of your findings. Use them to inform future decisions regarding your company.
13. Repeat steps 1-12 until you feel like you have collected enough data.
14. Analyze your results again. When you look at the numbers, you may find that there are certain issues that affect most customers but only a small number of respondents. In this case, you can address those issues first before tackling other problems.
15. Share your findings with your team. It helps to get their input.
16. Implement changes. Once you have analyzed your survey results, you can start making changes. For example, you might decide to change how you handle shipping orders.
17. Continue doing surveys. If you see improvements, continue improving.
18. Finally, thank your customers for taking part in your survey. Even though you cannot reward every respondent, you should still acknowledge them.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions
When it comes to customer success and satisfaction, we need to be aware of the fact that our customers are also human beings, who have feelings, emotions, and opinions just like us. We must remember that these people are spending money on our products and services, which means they expect us to deliver value to them. They want to feel good when they use our products and services, and they don’t want to waste time or money on something that doesn’t work well.
The following questions are some examples of customer satisfaction survey questions:
1. How likely are you to recommend us to others?
2. What was your overall experience with our product/service?
3. Did you enjoy using our product/service? Why or why not?
4. Would you buy our product/service again? Why or why not (if no)?
5. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
6. Please rate your level of satisfaction with our service.
7. Is there anything else we could improve?
8. Were you satisfied with the quality of our product/service? Why or why not?
9. Are you happy with the price of our product/service compared to similar products/services?
10. Have you had any negative experiences with our product/service recently?
Demographics are essential to understanding what kind of person you’re dealing with. You’ll want to understand where they live, what type of job they do, and what they spend their money on. These details help you determine whether or not they fit into your ideal customer profile.
For example, if you sell software, you’d want to know if your potential customers are business owners or IT administrators. You may even want to ask about their age, gender, marital status, education level, salary, and more.
Here’s an example of a demographic questions that you might include in your survey:
1. Where do you reside?
2. What is your occupation?
3. What is your age group?
4. What is your gender?
5. What is your marital status?
6. What is your highest degree completed?
7. What is your current annual income?
8. What is your ethnicity?
9. What is your religion?
10. What is your country of origin?
11. What is your native language?
12. What is your primary source of news?
13. What is your primary method of communication?
14. What is your preferred form of payment?
15. What is your favorite brand of computer?
Psychographic questions dig deeper than demographics by asking how your respondents think, feel, and behave. This information can give you insight into how best to market to them. For example, you might ask about their attitudes towards technology, brands, advertising, social media, and so forth. Here’s an example of psychographic questions that you might include:
1. Which aspects of our product/service did you find most useful?
2. Which aspects were least useful?
3. How often do you engage with social media?
4. How much would you pay for this product/service?
5. How important is technology to your life?
6. What do you consider to be the best way to communicate online?
7. What do you consider the worst way to communicate online? Why?
8. How often do you check email?
9. How often do you use social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.?
10. How much time per day do you spend using these services?
11. How many devices do you own?
12. How many computers do you own?
13. How old are you?
14. What’s your gender?
15. What’s the average age of your family members?
16. What’s one thing you wish you knew before purchasing this product/service?
Behavioral Questions
When it comes to marketing, behavioral questions tell you how people act when interacting with your company. They provide you with actionable insights into how your target audience behaves when making decisions about buying from you. For example, you could ask what types of discounts they prefer, what features they value most, what they look for in a website, and more.
Include behavioral questions that align with the behaviors you expect from your target audience. If you sell cleaning supplies, maybe you need to know if your prospects buy their cleaning supplies at home improvement stores, hardware stores, supermarkets, drugstores, etc. Behavioral questions will also help you identify which channels (e.g., phone calls, emails, direct mail) work best for your audience.
Here’s an Example of a Behavioral Question That Might Be Included In Your Survey:
1. When would you be interested in learning more about our products/services?
2. What type of incentives would motivate you to purchase our products/services? Please specify the amount of money you’re willing to spend on each incentive.
3. Would you be likely to recommend our products/services to friends and colleagues? Why or why not?
4. How long have you been thinking about purchasing our products/services? Why or why not now?
5. What was the last major purchase you made? Did you research the item beforehand?
6. Do you plan to make any other purchases within the next 6 months? If yes, please specify the item(s).
7. Have you ever purchased a similar product/service from us? If yes, please explain why you chose our product/service over others.
8. Are there any other comments you’d like to share about our products/services or our customer service experience?
9. What would you say is the best part of working with our company?
10. What would you say the worst part of working with our companies?
11. What do you think we can improve on?
Satisfaction Scale
If you want to find out how satisfied customers feel about your product/service, satisfaction scale questions are ideal. These types of questions allow respondents to rate their level of satisfaction on a scale of 1-10. This helps you get a snapshot of how satisfied your current customers are and how well your product/service meets their needs. You can then compare these results against those from previous surveys.
For example, you might ask survey participants “How satisfied were you with the quality of your last order?” Or, “On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the speed of delivery?” The answers to these questions will give you insight into whether your company is meeting its customers’ expectations.
Answering satisfaction scale questions is easy. All you need to do is create a list of all the possible responses and then rank them according to importance. Here’s an example of a satisfaction scale question that might appear in your survey:
1. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 represents very dissatisfied and 1 represents very satisfied, how satisfied are you overall with our quality control process?
2. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 indicates excellent and 0 poor, how satisfied are you generally with our customer support team?
3. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 represents very good and 1 very bad, how satisfied are you as a whole with our customer service department?
4. On a scale of one to five, where five means excellent and one means terrible, how satisfied are you currently with our web site?
5. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 represents excellent and 1 terrible, how satisfied are your overall with our website?
6. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 represents very good and 1 very bad, how satisfied were you with the price of our latest package?
7. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 represents very good and 1 very bad, how satisfied did you find our latest promotion?
8. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 represents very good and 1 very bad, how satisfied have you been with the quality of our latest shipment?
9. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 represents very good and 1 very bad, how satisfied was your last order?
10. On a scale of 1-10, where 10 represents very good and 1 very bad, how satisfied has your recent purchase been?
These open-text questions provide a free way for respondents to write down whatever they want without worrying about being judged by others. They’re also useful when you want to gather feedback on something specific. For example, if you wanted to know what people thought of your new office space, you could ask them “What features of this new office space most impressed you?”
To use open-text questions, just create a list of all possible responses and add a prompt at the beginning of each response. Respondents who answer the prompts will be asked follow up questions. Open-text questions are great because they don’t require any special training or skills to administer. However, you’ll need to take extra care to ensure that everyone understands exactly what you mean by every word in your prompts.
To help with this, it’s best to keep your prompts short and simple. Don’t worry too much about making sure that your prompts make sense grammatically. It’s more important to focus on getting the right meaning across than it is to try and make everything perfectly correct.
Here’s an example of an open-text question:
1. How can we improve your experience with the company? Please give us examples.
2. What improvements would you like to see in the future?
3. What changes would you recommend?
4. What changes would you like to see?
5. What improvements would you suggest?
6. Which areas should we work on improving?
7. What suggestions can you offer?
8. What improvements would you recommend?
9. What improvements would you make to our services?
10. What improvements would you propose?
The longevity section asks respondents to rate their satisfaction over time. This helps you understand whether customers’ opinions change over time. If you notice that someone gives high ratings only after receiving a particular product or service, then you might want to consider offering that item again.
You can track these answers using a graph. You can even set up automatic reminders so that you send out surveys periodically to check in on your customers.
You can phrase these types of questions as follows:
1. In the future, would you be willing to take this survey again? Why or why not?
2. Would you be interested in taking another survey in 2 weeks? 3 months? 6 months? 12 months? 24 months? 36 months? 48 months? 60 months?
3. Are there any other topics that you’d like to discuss?
4. Is there anything else I can do for you today?
5. Do you prefer email or phone calls?
6. Would you rather talk now or later?
7. Would you like to receive emails from us about new products, promotions, and discounts?
8. Would you like to hear about news and events related to our business?
9. Have you ever been contacted by anyone from our company before?
10. What was the last thing you bought from us?
This type of question requires you to interact directly with your customers. To do this, you must include some sort of visual element in your questionnaire. The easiest way to accomplish this is by including images in your survey.
For instance, if you have a website, you could ask people to visit your site and click on different links. Or, you could provide users with a link to a page where they can download a form. On this form, they can enter their contact information and submit it when they’re ready.
Alternatively, you can also allow customers to fill out your survey online. For instance, if you sell books, you could include a link to Amazon.com. When customers arrive at your website, they’ll be able to browse through your book inventory. They’ll be able to select which ones they want to buy, and once they’ve made their selection, they’ll be directed back to your website.
Include a link in your survey that allows users to sign up for your newsletter. Then, you can use the data collected in your customer feedback forms to tailor your marketing efforts.
If you don’t have a website, you can still get interactive. Instead of just sending out a single piece of paper, you could create a webform. Webforms are similar to traditional paper surveys, but instead of printing them out, you can simply post them online. Your customers will be able to access the survey via a link in an email message or on a webpage.
If you don’t have a webform, you can still get interaction. Instead of just sending one piece of paper, you can create a web-based survey. Web-based surveys are similar to traditional paper polls, but instead of printing out the results, you can simply display them online.
When creating a web-based survey, you should ensure that it’s accessible to all users. That means making sure that it has no pop-up windows or other elements that may interfere with user experience.
The best way to determine whether your survey is accessible is to test it yourself. You can take a look at how well your survey performs under various conditions. If it doesn’t work properly, you can make changes until it does.
Best Practices for Creating Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Before you begin designing your own customer satisfaction survey, there are several things you need to consider. Here are six tips for designing effective surveys:
1. Include questions that measure both current and future behavior. You might ask respondents what they thought about the product or service when they first purchased it. But you also need to know how long they’ve had it, so you can see if they’re satisfied with the quality of the product over time.
2. Make sure your questions aren’t biased. It’s easy to unintentionally bias a poll toward a particular point of view. So, try to keep your questions unbiased and neutral. For example, if you’re asking people about a new feature, avoid mentioning any negative aspects. This isn’t always possible, though. In those cases, you can ask about the pros and cons of the feature. Just make sure that you’re not forcing respondents into a position they don’t really hold.
3. Be clear about what you expect from respondents. The clearer you are about what you want to learn from your survey, the easier it will be for people to answer your questions. For example, if your goal is to discover why some people leave reviews, you probably shouldn’t ask “Why did you leave a review?” Instead, you might say something like this: “We’d love to hear more about why you left a review.”
4. Use open-ended questions whenever possible. These types of questions require less effort on behalf of the respondent than closed-ended questions do. And because they’re open ended, you won’t have as much control over the answers. However, the lack of structure makes these questions more likely to uncover important insights.
5. Ask follow-up questions. Many companies use surveys to gather information about their products and services. When you ask multiple questions in succession, you give respondents an opportunity to provide more details. For example, if someone mentions that the product was difficult to install, you could ask him or her to describe the installation process in detail.
6. Keep track of responses. Once you publish your survey, you’ll start receiving feedback. Respondents often feel compelled to share their opinions. So, you need to set up a system to collect data from your respondents.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Template
If you’re looking for a template to help you create your own customer satisfaction survey then here’s one.
The free templates below are available for download from our website but we recommend using them as a guideline only. They should never take the place of professional advice.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Examples from Real Brands
If you’re looking for some examples of customer satisfaction surveys, there are plenty to choose from. You just need to know what type of survey you want and how it works. If you’re not sure where to start, here are a few examples that might help:
Amazon Customer Service
A great example of this is the Amazon Customer Service department. They have a very detailed questionnaire that goes into every aspect of your experience with them. The questions are designed to gather information about your shopping habits, your preferences, your order history, etc.
Another great example of this is TripAdvisor. Their questionnaires include everything from how satisfied you were to their service (which includes things like check-in/check-out), to whether or not you would recommend them to friends.
Netflix has a variety of different questionnaires that they send out to customers depending on the topic. Some topics include “How we can improve your viewing experience?”, “What kind of movies do you watch?”, ‘What type of shows do you enjoy watching?”, and many others.
Google Play Store
This questionnaire covers all aspects of your experience at the Google Play store including ordering, downloading apps, payment methods, refunds, and more.
Apple iTunes Store
Similar to the Google Play Store, Apple also has a questionnaire that covers all aspects of your iTunes experience.
Facebook has a variety of different types of questionnaires that they send to users. One such questionnaire is called “Your Experience With Facebook” which asks a variety of questions regarding privacy settings, advertising, content, and more.
Twitter doesn’t offer any specific customer satisfaction surveys, however, they do have a general questionnaire that they send out to everyone. It covers topics such as “Are you satisfied with the overall quality of the Twitter service?” and “Why did you leave Twitter?”
Yelp offers a variety of different questionaires that cover topics such as “Would you recommend us to family & friends?”, ”Did you receive good value for money?”, and “How likely are you to return to our business again?
Microsoft Windows Phone Store
Microsoft provides a questionnaire that covers several aspects of your phone usage. These include things like “How often do you use your device?”, „Which features do you find most useful?”, and more.
Yahoo! Answers
Yahoo! Answers has a questionnaire that covers a wide range of topics. Topics include “Have you ever had problems with Yahoo! Answers?”, ‟How often do you visit Yahoo! Answers?“, and “Do you think Yahoo! Answers could be improved?
eBay has a number of different questionnaires that cover a wide range of topics such as “How easy was it to make an online purchase?”, ‐How long does it take to get paid by PayPal?”, and much more.
Zappos is another company that offers a number of different questionaires. One of these questionaires is called “The Zappos Customer Experience Questionnaire” and it covers a wide range of different topics such as “What is the best part of working at Zappos?”, “How well do you feel valued here?”, and “Is there anything else we should know about working here?”
As you can see, there are plenty of companies who provide various questionnaires to their customers. This allows them to learn what works and what doesn’t work in order to improve their services. They may even ask some of the same questions over and over again just to ensure that they don’t miss anything important. The bottom line is that if you want to get the best possible customer satisfaction survey then you need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies in order to provide the best possible service.