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How to Promote Your Blog


5 May, 2019

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Promote Your Blog

Promoting your blog is essential to its success. If you want to get visitors to your site, then you need to know how to promote your blog.

Blogging has become a very common way to share information. In fact, according to Hubspot, blogging is the second most effective form of marketing after social media.

There are several ways to promote your blog. The most important thing is to create quality content that is interesting enough to attract readers.

To make sure that your website gets noticed, it’s necessary to have a plan and execute it properly. Here are some tips on how to promote your blog:

Guest Posting

One of the best ways to promote your blog is by guest posting. Guest posts can be published in other blogs or websites. This gives you an opportunity to reach more people than if you were only promoting your own blog.

When writing a guest post, keep in mind that you should always provide something valuable for your readers. It could be a free download, a webinar, or even just an article with useful information.

Social Media Marketing

Another great way to promote your blog is through social media marketing. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, etc., give you a platform to connect with people who might be interested in what you have to say.

You should try to use these platforms as much as possible to increase traffic to your blog. You can also create groups where you can talk about topics related to your niche.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another powerful tool that you can use to promote your blog. With email marketing, you can send out newsletters that will include links back to your blog.

If you add value to your subscribers’ inboxes, they’ll go back to visit your blog. As a bonus, you can also ask them to subscribe to your newsletter so that you can continue sending them emails.

Content Marketing

Creating high-quality content is one of the keys to successful blogging. Since blogging is all about sharing information, you must ensure that your content is informative and helpful to your audience.

Your content should be unique and written in such a way that it grabs attention immediately. When creating your content, think about what your potential readers would like to read.

Use keywords in your title and description tags so that search engines can find your content easily. Make sure that your content is easy to understand and includes images whenever possible.

Once you’ve created your content, you need to promote it. There are many different methods of promotion, but using SEO (search engine optimization) techniques is usually the easiest.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Using SEO techniques will help your content rank higher in search results.

In order to optimize your content, you need three things:

1. A good keyword

2. Good anchor text

3. Quality content

Once you’ve done this, you can start promoting your content. You can do this by submitting your content to directories, forums, newsgroups, etc.

Publish Data-Driven Content

A data-driven approach means that you’re going to write articles based on the data that you collect from your site visitors. The goal here is to publish content that has a direct impact on your business.

This type of content doesn’t necessarily have to be about your products or services. Instead, you can focus on providing information that is relevant to your audience.

For example, if you sell software, you can write an article about how to choose the right software for your needs. Or, if you run a law firm, you can write an e-book about how to deal with clients effectively.

By publishing data-driven content, you show your audience that you care about their needs and wants. This makes them more likely to trust you when you offer advice or recommendations. 

Update and Upgrade Old Content

If you want to keep your blog fresh, then you need to update old posts regularly. If you don’t update your older content, then your readers may lose interest and leave.

You can use social media sites to reach out to people who might be interested in your blog’s topic. You can also post new content at least once every week.

When updating your blog, make sure that you include new photos and videos. These types of updates will highlight how much time and effort you put into your blog. This will make your readers feel special.

LinkedIn Syndication

One of the most effective ways to increase traffic to your website is by syndicating your content through LinkedIn.

LinkedIn allows you to share links to other websites within your profile. By doing this, you’ll get exposure to millions of professionals worldwide.

Facebook Boosted Posts (With Retargeting)

Another great way to increase traffic to your blog is by boosting Facebook posts.

Boosting is a feature that allows you to pay for ads to appear next to the stories shared by your friends.

The idea behind boosted posts is simple: you pay Facebook to display your ad next to the story they decide to share.

To boost a post, click on the “boost” button that appears next to the post. Once you do this, you’ll see a pop-up window where you can enter the amount you’d like to spend per day.

Simple Newsletter

Creating a newsletter is another great way to promote your blog.

You can create a regular email newsletter that goes out to subscribers each month.

People are more likely to read an email than they are to visit a webpage. So, it’s important to make sure that your emails look professional.

Your newsletter should contain useful tips and tricks as well as helpful resources. You can also add links to your blog so that your readers can easily find what they’re looking for.

Cross-Pollinate Your Audience

In order to grow your blog, you need to cross-pollinate your audience.

This simply means that you need to connect with different groups of people and encourage them to follow your account.

There are many different ways to cross-pollinate. One of the best ways to do this is by using social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram.

Twitter is a microblogging platform that lets users communicate via 140 characters. It’s perfect for sharing short messages about topics related to your niche.

Instagram is a photo-sharing app that has over 400 million active monthly users. The key to success here is to post high quality images that showcase your expertise.

By connecting with these different audiences, you can attract new followers and build a loyal following.

Collab With Other Blogs

If you have a lot of experience writing articles, then you could try collaborating with other bloggers.

You can write guest posts for their blogs or vice versa. Not only does this benefit both parties, but it gives your readers access to two different perspectives.

It’s also a good way to improve your own writing skills.

Super Personalized Outreach

One of the easiest ways to promote your blog is by reaching out to potential customers directly.

You can use tools like Hootsuite to schedule tweets and send direct messages to influencers in your field.

You can also reach out to potential customers through your blog itself. For example, if you know someone who would be interested in buying your products, you can ask them to leave feedback on your site.

These types of interactions are not only fun, but they can lead to sales too!

Eye-Catching Social Media Images

If you want to get noticed on social media, then you need eye-catching images.

Using stock photos will cost you money, but there are plenty of free options available online.

Some of the most popular websites include Pexels and Unsplash. Both offer high-quality pictures without any licensing restrictions.

You can even take advantage of the fact that some of the biggest brands don’t mind being featured in user-generated content.

For example, you can upload a picture of yourself wearing one of Nike’s sneakers and share it on Facebook.

Turn Blog Content Into YouTube Videos

Another great way to increase traffic to your website is by turning blog posts into videos.

Creating video tutorials is easier than ever thanks to platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.

Once you’ve created your tutorial, you’ll want to create a unique title and description. This makes it easy for viewers to find your content when searching for similar videos.

The next step is to publish your video and embed it onto your website. Then, just sit back and watch the views roll in!

Reply to Every Single Comment

Your audience comes first.

When people comment on your blog, reply to every single one of them. Even if they’re negative comments, you should still respond.

This shows your commitment to your community and helps to build relationships with your fans.

In addition, replying to positive comments will help you gain more credibility. If you always reply to comments, then visitors will see that you care about what they have to say.

Write Blog Posts on NEW Topics

People love fresh ideas.

They’re also attracted to new topics because they think it means something new has been discovered.

But, as soon as an idea becomes old news, people lose interest.

To keep your blog relevant, you need to constantly come up with new ideas. You can do this by reading books, watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, and attending conferences.

If you read a book, then you can turn its main points into blog posts.

And, if you attend a conference, then you can write down all of the key takeaways from the sessions.

By regularly coming up with new ideas, you’ll be able to attract readers who aren’t interested in following your usual topics.

Share Freebies on Pinterest

Pinterest is another platform where users can easily discover new blogs.

And, once they start visiting your page, they may become regular readers.

One of the best things you can do to encourage this type of engagement is to share freebies on Pinterest.

These could include:

Free eBooks




And anything else that you’d like to promote.

Use Podcast

A podcast is basically a series of interviews with experts in different fields.

It’s usually recorded via phone or Skype and then published to SoundCloud or iTunes.

As long as your interviewees are interesting, then people will listen to your podcast.

And, since many listeners use these programs while commuting, they’re perfect for growing a following.

Speak at Events

Speak abut your blog in events

You don’t have to speak for hours, but simply sharing five minutes of information is enough to get people excited.

For instance, you can talk about how you started blogging, why you decided to start a food blog, and what you learned along the way.

Then, you can ask your audience questions and answer their queries.

At the end of your speech, you can give out free resources such as ebooks, reports, and cheat sheets.

This not only encourages people to check out your site, but it also gives them a reason to follow you on social media.

Create Infographics

An infographic is an easy-to-read visual representation of data.

Using infographics, you can explain complex concepts in simple ways.

You can create infographics using PowerPoint, Google Docs, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and other software packages.

Once you’ve created the graphic, make sure to add links to related pages so that viewers can learn more.

The advantage of creating infographics is that they’re visually appealing and easy to understand.

So, when you publish one, you increase traffic to your blog.

Publish Posts at The Right Time

Don’t just post whenever you feel like doing so.

Instead, schedule posts ahead of time.

When you plan your posts, you ensure that they appear at the right time.

Most bloggers find that posting at 10 am works well.

However, some prefer to post around lunchtime or during the evening.

In addition, you should consider whether you want to post every day or every week.

Also, try experimenting with different times.

Some people prefer waking up early in the morning to post before work.

Others might want to post after dinner.

Find What Works For You

Leave Super Helpful Comments on Other Blogs

Another great way to grow your following is by leaving helpful comments on other blogs.

If you see someone commenting on a post, you can leave a comment too.

Be sure to mention something unique or good about the post, and provide useful tips.

Make Sure That Your Comment Is Valuable

Before you leave a comment, think carefully about what you’re going to say.

Remember that you’re writing for others.

Therefore, you need to make your point clear, concise, and relevant.

Avoid being overly promotional or self-promotional.

This means making your comment valuable, insightful, and engaging.

Create a Blog Alliance

A blog alliance is an online community where members share content through various channels.

It’s similar to a group chatroom because everyone has access to everyone else’s posts.

As a member, you can contribute to the conversation, interact with other members, and receive regular updates from them.

By joining an alliance, you can build relationships with other bloggers and earn new followers.

Reader Case Studies

These are short stories written by readers who have benefited from your services.

They highlight the success of your company and the value of your products or services.

For example, you could write about your customer service experience.

Or, you could describe a problem that was solved by your product.

You can include testimonials from customers who were satisfied with your products or services.

Create Cool Visuals, Charts, and Images

One of the best things you can do to promote your blog is use visuals.

Use pictures, charts, graphs, and other visual elements to convey information quickly.

Visuals help people remember what you said.

That’s why it’s important to put together images, videos, and graphics that are interesting and eye-catching.

Double Down On List Posts

List posts allow you to create a collection of related links.

The benefit of this type of post is that it allows you to show off all the resources you’ve created.

For instance, if you sell custom T-shirts, you can list out all the designs that you offer.

Then, visitors will be able to click on each design and learn more about it.

While these posts aren’t as popular as other types of posts, they still get plenty of views.

Start List Posts With Your Most Unique Tip

When you start a list post, you’ll typically begin with a tip or trick that relates to the topic at hand.

In fact, many list posts begin with a tip.

That’s because lists are often used to teach people how to solve problems.

So, when you present your most unique tip, you’ll stand out from the crowd.

Add Tweetable Quotes To Your Content

Quotes are one of the easiest ways to add personality to your content.

People love reading quotes because they feel like they’re getting advice from a friend.

Try adding a quote to every page of your site.

You can also use it in social media ads and emails.

To make your quotes more memorable, try including a picture next to them.

Also, make sure that they’re not too long.

Keep Them Short And Sweet, Longer quotes tend to bore readers.


Blogging is a great way to build authority online. It’s a free method of marketing that allows you to create valuable content without spending a lot of money.

The key to success is to provide useful, quality content. And, as long as you follow these tips, you’ll soon see your blog grow!


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